Stump Removal

Stump Removal In Joliet, IL

Taking care of your yard is not always easy, especially if you have a lot of trees. One thing that homeowners are frequently faced with is having to remove stumps. It’s important to get rid of these because they can be very difficult to mow around and they also take away from the look of your lawn. If you’re in need of stump removal services in Joliet, IL, then it’s time for you to give Joliet Tree Removal Service a call at (919) 123-4567! We’ll make sure that all the stumps are removed quickly and efficiently without leaving any damage behind! 

What Is A Stump?

A stump is the part of a tree that is left behind after it has been cut down. It’s important to remove the stump because otherwise, you would have to mow around it and they can really damage equipment such as lawnmowers if you hit them by accident. Stumps also take away from the look of your lawn, which is why it’s highly recommended that you hire a professional to remove them.

How Do You Know If Your Property Has Stumps On It?

If you have a tree at your property, the stump may have been there all along. However, if this is not the case and you’re curious about whether or not they are present on your lawn, then here are some tips to help determine whether or not you need to call for a professional Joliet Tree Removal Service:

– If areas of your yard look sunken in around where trees once stood when compared with other parts of your lawn.  This could be because stumps may protrude from underground so much so that they can cause damage to equipment such as tractors and mowers.

– You don’t see any signs of grass growth over an area larger than two feet wide by four feet long in multiple locations on your lawn. This lack of grass can be because the roots are still there and they’re preventing it from growing back.  If this is the case, then you will need professional help to remove them!

– If you have a large tree on your property that has been cut down but does not appear to have any stumps remaining where it once stood at all times of the year.  

– If you notice areas on your lawn where the grass looks like it’s dead or has turned brown. This could be because there are stumps hidden underground that may have started to rot and therefore, caused damage to the surrounding area of turfgrass.

Why Is It Important To Remove Stumps?

Stumps left after a tree is cut down may lead to safety and liability concerns, as well as unwanted tree growth and insect infestation. These are just a few of the reasons why it’s important to remove tree stumps from your yard. Tree stumps have another disadvantage: they create an unattractive yard appearance.

Here are 5 compelling reasons to get rid of tree stumps.

Stumps of trees can be dangerous.

Stumps left after a tree is cut down may lead to safety and liability concerns, as well as unwanted tree growth and insect infestation. Tree stumps can also cause damage to lawnmowers if you accidentally hit them while mowing your lawn.

Decaying stumps attract insects.

Stumps are generally hollow and can be a home to many insects. Decaying trees stumps may also cause the spread of mold or fungus, which could harm your lawn’s health if you don’t get rid of it!

Unsightly tree stumps take away from the look of your lawn.

Tree trunks left behind after being cut down won’t just disappear into thin air even with time. If they’re not removed properly, these unsightly remains will only serve as eyesores that reduce property value and ruin an otherwise beautiful landscape garden design making it difficult to mow around them without damaging equipment such as tractors and mowers. Tree stumps prevent grass growth in surrounding areas when their remain intact underground causing damage over time.

Unsightly re-growth is caused by fresh tree stumps.

If you have a tree stump left behind, there is the possibility that it will re-grow into an unwanted tree. Stumps can also cause damage to lawnmowers if you accidentally hit them while mowing your lawn.

Tree stumps are hazardous for kids and pets!

They may be hard to spot due to their coloration blending in with surrounding grasses but they could still be harmful especially if your children or pets run through the yard without looking where they’re going first. If these two groups of people happen upon one by accident, then this would likely result in injury so getting rid of them as soon as possible is highly recommended! 

When Is The Best Time To Remove Stumps?

In order for the stump removal process to go smoothly with little downtime, you should call Joliet Tree Removal Service in spring or fall when trees have stopped growing new leaves until winter comes around again. This will ensure that there is no interference from weather conditions so everything goes off without any problems! During these times, the ground underneath has thawed out and the roots will be easy to access and remove.

Will The Tree Regrow?

Every tree is different so it’s difficult to tell if your newly cut down tree will grow back again. Sometimes, the stumps of trees can be because the roots are still there and they’re preventing it from growing back. If this is the case, then you will need professionals like us help to remove them! 

Joliet Tree Removal Service Stump Removal

While removing these yourself might seem like an easy task, hiring a professional Joliet Tree Removal Service may actually be a better option. We have the equipment and knowledge to remove tree stumps quickly, efficiently, and without destroying your lawn in the process, all at an affordable price! Our professionals can assist you in determining the best course of action for removing your stump. We are delighted to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a price for the job!